厚木高等学校 > English




1902.4. Founded as Kanagawa prefectural Third junior high school
1931.1. The school song was established
1948.4. Renamed Kanagawa prefectural Atsugi high school
1952.10. 50th anniversary
2002.11. 100th anniversary
2010.4. Authorized as the advanced high school with an emphasis on academic achievement
2012.9. 110th anniversary
2013.4. Authorized as Super Science High school by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
2018.4. Authorized as the advenced high school with an emphasis on academic achievement

The features of Atsugi high school


The lessons for cultivating the ability of thought, judgment, expression of students
The lessons with speed
The lessons with advanced contents

Super Science High School(For more information)

We have the lessons with investigation activities for every student in all grades.
We have presentation activities twice a year. In the end of the final semester, all students in first and second grade give presentations in English.

Counseling for the choice of universities

The students think about the way to be, the way to live as a human through counseling for the choice of universities.

Intelligence, kindness, courage

We hope the students grow up not only with intelligence, but also with kindness and courage through school events and club activities.


School Curriculum is here.(PDF:43KB)

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