SSH is a national project for development of international human resorces in scientific fields. Atsugi High School has been selected to take part in SSH since 2013.
We encourage the students to advance their science literacy and create a sustainable developing society as international leaders in the future.
The Introduction of SSH Programs
This course is aimed not only at acquiringscience knowledge and its point of view, but also for developing the researchmethods and skills.
The course also consists of fields ofPhysics (Science Eye P), Chemistry (Science Eye C) and Biology (Science Eye B).
This course helps students to create theirown research portfolios, to recognize their own qualities and abilities throughthe use of meta-recognition, and consequently to enhance self-management skillsfor their independent research.
This program is aimed at developing humanresources leading technological innovation through advanced research. The program is available for all Atsugi HighSchool students.
This is the place where students of DeepResearch Project develop their research after school.
Based on the development of presentation,discussion and writing skills in English, this program enhances the level of expressingstudents’ own opinions actively and logically.
Students visit Eleanor Roosevelt HighSchool, which is our sister school and they make presentations at Science Fairand conduct collaborative experiments.
The research conducted in Veritas ispresented at Science Fair and workshops.
Students promote inquiry studies related toknowledge and skills acquired in each class based on fostering the qualitiesand abilities needed to deepen and integrate knowledge.
Studentscollaborate with universities and research institutes to acquire the knowledgeof advanced and innovative contents.