

グアム海外研修 (2023年1月17日~1月22日 (5泊6日))

参加人数 : 20名


行 程 : 

1日目 成田空港集合 出国~グアム着

2日目~4日目 セントポールクリスチャンスクール

5日目 終日ホストファミリーと過ごす

6日目 午前中グアム国際空港集合 出国~夕方成田空港着 



事前学習 : 英会話の他、全員が5分程度のプレゼンテーションの準備をしました。







高校生活体験 : 通常授業に参加し、4日目午後は交流会を行いました。






事後レポート : 帰国後全員が英語でレポート作成をしました。


What is visible and what is invisible

I learned many differences from Japan through my homestay in Guam. Among them, I will introduce two things that were particularly memorable.

The first is the difference in thinking. Foreigners are said to be more positive than Japanese. I was able to come into contact with a positive way of thinking in a certain situation. That scene is when I am choosing lipstick at Macy’s. When we Japanese buy cosmetics and clothes, I think many people think about their personal colors and whether they look good on us. However, when I was wondering which color lipstick would suit me, my host mother said,’’This color is for everyday use. This color can be used on the special night. This is the color you usually use for lunch.’’She said that the color changes from scene to scene. When I heard that, I was able to indirectly touch on the positive thinking of using it instead of the negative thinking of what to do if it did not suit me. And this event influenced my way of thinking.

The second is the difference in life. What surprised me especially was the food culture. I went to a hamburger restaurant for dinner one day, and the next morning I went to another hamburger restaurant to take out. It was very delicious, but I got sick from continuous fast food. However, seeing the local people eating it without a hitch, I learned that the food I could eat in the environment where I grew up would change. Through this Guam training, I was able to learn both what I could see and what I could not see. Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity.