

English Club 

Welcome to the English club where English comes alive !

In the English club there are six members in total.

1 first grader
4 second graders
1 third grader

We mainly have clubs on Fridays at 4A classroom.
Speaking to an ALT teacher, playing games like WORD WOLF in English are the main things we usually do in our club. Speaking is one of the four skills that is hard to acquire. Therefore, in our English club we focus on speaking. English is used all around the world, our goal is to be able to talk to many people around the world. Learning English expands our world even wider. English club is a place where English can turn into your best friend. Please join us as we unlock the doors that open our possibilities.


Instructor in charge


Contact : Ito ( ℡ 046-253-2942 )





Volume 1  (Sept.18, 2024)(PDF:447KB)


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